潘恩 College Gilbert-Lambuth Memorial Chapel

Gilbert-Lambuth Memorial Chapel

的 Gilbert-Lambuth Memorial Chapel, owned and operated by 潘恩 College, was built in 1968. 的 basic design of the chapel's nave is cruciform; the chapel will accommodate approximately 1200 persons in air-conditioned comfort. 的 chapel usage ranges from paid events such as weddings, funerals and gospel concerts to religious campus events, 对此, assemblies and celebrations. 的 rear section of this building contains classrooms, sound-proof practice rooms, a music library, 工作室, robing rooms, and an auditorium that seats 200 persons.


的 Chapel was named after Dr. John Wesley Gilbert (Dr. John Wesley Gilbert was the first 潘恩 student, the first graduate, the first Negro member of this 教师. He was a classicist, a Biblical scholar and a great human being), 沃尔特·拉塞尔·兰布斯主教是一位医生,也是一位神学家, one of the church's great missionary statesmen, and a trustee of this college).

Dr. E. 克莱顿·卡尔霍恩,十大赌博平台排行榜第八任校长(1956-1970). Dr. Clayton's address to the college on January 30, 1968 called "的 Substance of Dreams:(详细说明教堂的结构). 深受启发的美国诗人兰斯顿·休斯(Langston Hughes)问道:“梦想被推迟了会发生什么??" He gives some most perceptive answers. 今晚, at 潘恩 College, 我们可以从深切的感激中得到答案.

We subscribe to the idealism that what we do here this night, 我们在这里看到的并不是我们梦想的最终实现, 今晚在这里发生的一切只是无数生命中无数连续的印象和事件中的一个瞬间. 但是,让我们不要在我们对“构成梦的东西”的推理中如此感动,以至于我们必须错过这个进入吉尔伯特-兰布斯纪念教堂的时刻, 推迟享受和感激,直到这连续的过程结束. 除非我们深刻地体会到这一刻的意义——让过去的时光充满它, 未来即将实现——心怀感激,我们有幸能面对此刻的挑战和前景, 这样,梦想就会被毫无意义地推迟,它的物质就会在我们身上干涸,就像太阳下的葡萄干一样."

To stay alive, a dream so long deferred has to mature. You have to give yourself reasons to sustain a dream, 然而,它曾经可能是一种感情的洪流或一束光. 最重要的是,你必须不断地给别人理由,为什么梦想有权利继续存在. It is in this latter reference we are gathered here tonight. 我们就是那些被赋予梦想的人,梦想在我们心中仍然鲜活. And we are compassed about by so great a cloud of witnesses.

Dr. 卡尔霍恩在1月30日的大学演讲中详细描述了教堂的每个部分和用途, 1968.

的 Classical Form

Why classical style? Why perpetuate the Greece revival in a day of revolution, especially when both in Greece and in America, the periods represented, however rational, were marred by violence, 残忍, slavery and vulgarity. This classic style combines the symmetry of exact science, 几何, 带着艺术家的温暖的优雅,他本能地知道,人的视觉不是那么清晰,他可以完全信任直线.

的 Transepts

的 Ionic order comes from Asia Minor, from the East. 这里改编自一个时代,当时教堂采用并改造了古代的多神神龛,并利用它们来荣耀一个神. In this chapel it is further adapted. Transepts are not characteristic of this design. We have used them to draw the community together. Little more than half this congregation is seated in the nave. None is very far away.

的 Crossing

圣堂、中殿和唱诗班组成一个十字架,圣坛在十字路口. 的 altar thus is in the midst of the gathered community. 在象征上,它是在基督身体的地方,而不是在铭文的地方. As the church, being the body of Christ, must give up its life into its mission, 因此,这所学院必须始终致力于履行其使命,并为其存在的宗旨和原则冒生命危险. 这个象征不仅提醒我们上帝为我们做了什么,也提醒我们上帝对我们的要求.


Consider how many persons may kneel here together. Consider how many persons may kneel here together. 进一步考虑使用圣坛为音乐会和圣坛的圣坛戏剧. 虽然祭坛很大,但如果需要,它可以移开音乐会,观众也可以聚集得更近. Let this be clear. 祭坛不会因为神圣和世俗之间的奇怪区别等特殊情感而被移走. What should not be done before the secular? 在祭坛前不应该做的事是什么? 的 altar may be removed when practical considerations dictate. We suggest that such occasion will be infrequent. 

的 Fine Arts Sections

音乐教室和其他形式的艺术教室似乎与这座教堂有着天然的联系,无需解释. 它非常实际地为我们提供了使用任何教堂必要的辅助空间的指导,并充分利用了这样一个大型结构所必需的公用设施.


This is the Gilbert-Lambuth Memorial Chapel. That name is full of meaning. 这些名字被这个礼物紧紧地连在一起,牢牢地纪念着, this useful building on this campus. Each man was a real scholar. John Wesley Gilbert was the first 潘恩 student, the first graduate, the first Negro member of this 教师. He was a classicist, a Biblical Scholar, great human being. Walter Russell Lambuth was a physician as well as a theologian, one of the church's great missionary statesmen. 作为这所学院的受托人,他的名字也被赋予了田纳西州杰克逊的兰布斯学院. 两个人都被任命为牧师,是教会的人。吉尔伯特是编辑,兰布斯是主教. 在一起, in a venture to rival Stanley's quest for Livingston, they walked a thousand miles across the Congo to established, class of 1957 at 潘恩, 刚果新教教会委员会秘书长, 知己, 辅导员, and sometimes stern teacher of leaders of both. Gilbert-Lambuth. Look where you will in 潘恩 College. You will find a close and intimate linkage of two races, 基督教卫理公会和卫理公会的真正的和持续的团契. In this chapel these meanings are fitly joined.


十大赌博平台排行榜的使命是提供最高质量的文科教育,强调学术卓越, ethical and spiritual values, social responsibility, and personal development. 校园牧师办公室在这里反映了教会对整个人的关注. 我们认为,学生不仅要在学术上发展,而且要在社会和精神上发展. 校园牧师和整个大学社区帮助学生完成从新生到有能力成为神的孩子的旅程. 这是通过强大的学术卓越计划实现的, 主管, caring administrators, 教师, 工作人员, and an appreciation of one's Christian heritage.

的 Campus Pastor's Study

牧师的书房象征着基督教牧师被呼召成为上帝羊群的牧羊人. 在这里,讲道是准备好以上帝的圣言喂养会众的. 这样,教会的工作就被计划好了,使会众在恩典中成长,在服事中结果子, 奖学金, 教学, and witnessing. 在这里,你总能在需要的时候找到朋友和顾问. He will not be surprised by your sins, nor will he judge you in them, 但他总是邀请你与他分享神的智慧和爱, the knowledge of forgiveness of sins, and the saving grace of God in Christ Jesus, 我们的主.


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